Some of you may have noticed that Furboi's Hot
Men is on hold also . I guess I owe some of my incredibly loyal
followers an explanation. Fifteen years ago I was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy
and given about a year to live. I was given the choice of a heart transplant or
tough it out with drugs, lifestyle change and an overall refocusing on my
health. I chose the later with great success. One small oversight is that
fifteen years of the various medications, and there's a lot of them, is taking
their toll. Some to the point of being toxic. The past couple of months I have
been very sick. Fortunately, I am a patient at one of the best
hospitals in the world, Mass General in my home town of Boston. I'm at the point
now where I only have to go in every 10 days for tests, monitoring and adjusting
the meds. Needless to say, I am wiped out! I need a break and then some time to
recuperate. Bear with me.