Sunday, July 26, 2009

Queer Click Friday Five!

From the Steve Cruz Blog: Steve Cruz XXX
5 questions with QueerClick!
Click here to read the interview and leave your comments. Don't let the haters have all the fun, QC is taking a poll to list your favorite or least favorite 'Steve Cruz' attribute... I was at a loss. I said what ever it is its probably covered in hair! LOL! SC

1 comment:

  1. Steve Cruz est d'un charme admirable,super male a contempler,il me plait beaucoup,((petit,poilus,et de ma taille poids,))j'aimerais bien etre son amant regulier,surtout sucer a mon gout ce remarquable penis,joujoux de bonheur!!!humm!inlassablement,a tout seigneur tout honneur.salut
