Friday, April 23, 2010

Aden Sandler

Just wanted to take a moment in this space to offer my most heartfelt Thank You to everyone that has visited this little blog of mine in the past year.
(blogger is only allowing 4 posts a day and I didn't want to short change your porn :>)
Today's my B'Day and I just realized that you guys have blown past the FOUR MILLION visit mark for this site!!! Best damn present I could think of !
I truely THANK YOU ALL with a special shout out to those who subscribe and or follow the blog. Look forward to what the next year will bring...
Have fun and be safe,
Tom (Furboi)
Now back to the porn...


  1. Happy B_day, Pal! You rock!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tom !! xx

  3. Happy birthday! Fantastic blog - really love your choice in photos. I also really love being able to vote for my faves! Enjoy your birthday!!!!

  4. found myself going back again and again to your site. You have a great furry body and I think you need to show more of your ASSets...if you catch my drift? Great smile!!
