Thursday, September 22, 2011


Just a quick note guys. I changed the format of how you can view and copy individual pictures. Blogger, in their infinite wisdom, decided all pics when clicked on would be viewed in a slide show. Not terrible BUT you don't get the full sized version to copy AND all the older postings CAN'T BE VIEWED!!!! Bullshit! So, thanks to my blogger buddy Brent at and I have rectified the situation. Everything is back to normal And you all can continue to use Furboi's Hot Men as a giant Library to use and abuse at your leisure. JUST AS I ORIGINALLY INTENDED! -T


  1. Appreciate you going back to the best way. Was getting frustrated with the little slide show.
    Take care and keep posting the amazing pics!

  2. Hi! First of all, thanks for your blog! It's brought a lot of pleasure to the king swing! I didn't like the slide show format at first, but it grew on me and I actually like it better. I was concerned about the full-size version issue, but if you right-click and save on the slide show, it saves the large version for you. You just have to open it after saving to view the full-size. Either way, it's all good! Keep up the good work and happy strokin'!
