Saturday, April 13, 2013

Josh Long

Rumors floating around that Josh is retiring early from the modeling scene. Wish it wasn't so. Here's a double set to copy and save for when you need a little pick me up.
Most can be enlarged from what you see here.





Wish you nothing but the best in the next chapter of your life.
More Josh , click his name below.


  1. He's so adorable. Love everything about him. But why these ugly tats???

  2. ClumBabyatHotmailDotComApril 14, 2013 at 9:19 AM

    I have to applaud him. He got in, made bank, became a phenomenon, and is now getting out. Most porn actors aren't so lucky. Bravo Josh and thanks for the hotttttt memories! You will be missed!

  3. J'adore ce garçon qu'on a vu évolué surtout au niveau de sa pilosité magnifique.( voir images du 21 avril 2012 )
    Mais comme Coquerelle, je déplore l'arrivée du tatouage.

    Josh: un seul souhait; continue à nous offrir ton corps
    Je t'embrasse

  4. Hi Josh,
    apprendere che tra poco non ti vedremo più in queste bellissime fotografie mi rincresce: è come non potere vedere più i fiori in primavera.

    Tuttavia, se questa è la tua scelta, noi la rispettiamo.
    Da parte mia ti auguro un futuro felice e che i tuoi sogni possano realizzarsi.

    Ciao Josh, I wish you a wonderful future, greetings from Italy

  5. He is one of the best young hairy boys of the moment. Pity the tattoo on such an imaculate body.

    Best luck for him...
